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Check & Send Endorsement

If discrepancies are found, we will notify the carrier for correction and schedule a follow-up to complete the endorsement accurately…

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Check & Send Endorsement

Reference Material:Endorsement. Original Change Request. Agent Management System

Average Time:15 Mins

The agent will email the endorsement to us or we will pull it from carrier website.

Upon receipt, we will verify it against the original change request to ensure accurate processing.

If verified correctly, we will dispatch the endorsement to the insured.

If discrepancies are found, we will notify the carrier for correction and schedule a follow-up to complete the endorsement accurately. Once the correct endorsement is received, we will send it to the insured.

The benefits of our Check & Send Endorsements service are manifold. Insurance agents can rely on our expertise and attention to detail to handle the complex process of policy endorsements accurately and efficiently. By outsourcing this task to us, agents can free up their time and resources, allowing them to focus on building client relationships and growing their business.


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