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Check & Send Policy

We will cross-check the policy against the agent management system, binder, quote, expired policies…

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Check & Send Policy

Check & Send Policy

Reference Material:Policy. Binder. Quote. Expired Policy. Agent Management System

Average Time:30-60 Mins

The agent will email us the policy that needs to be reviewed.

We will cross-check the policy against the agent management system, binder, quote, expired policies, or any other documents requested by the agent.

We will check the following items.

• Insured’s Name
• Mailing Address
• Location Address
• Parent and Writing Company
• Policy #
• Policy Term
• Premium
• Limit
• Deductible
• Coverage
• Additional Interest
• Additional Insured
• Waiver of Subrogation
• Form Schedule
• Other items required by the agent

We will compile a discrepancy list and send it to the agent. Once all discrepancies have been addressed, we will send the policy to the insured.

Our Check & Send Policy service is a game-changer for insurance agents, offering a comprehensive solution to enhance accuracy and efficiency in policy issuance. You can confidently navigate the complex world of insurance policies, knowing that every document has undergone a thorough review, ensuring precision and peace of mind for all stakeholders involved.


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