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Prepare Proposal

We will generate the proposal to include core information such as premium, limits, deductibles, coverage, exposures, endorsements, exclusions, conditions..

Consulting & Management 95%
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Prepare Proposal

Prepare Proposal

Reference Material:Quote. Agent Management System

Average Time:30-60 Mins

The agent will email the quote to us and ask us to prepare proposal per the quote.

We will update the policy in the agent management system according to the quote, including the premium, limits, deductibles, coverage, exposures, etc.

We will generate the proposal to include core information such as premium, limits, deductibles, coverage, exposures, endorsements, exclusions, conditions, etc.

Finally, we will send the proposal to the agent and communicate any identified issues.

Our Prepare Proposal per the Quote service enhances operational efficiency, reduces costs, and ensures high-quality outcomes, allowing agents to focus on strategic priorities and achieve business objectives effectively.


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