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Online Rating

Upon receiving each request, we will visit the respective website and enter details including the insured’s name, mailing address, location…

Consulting & Management 95%
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Online Rating

Online Rating

Reference Material:Carrier websites. Acord Applications. Prior Policy. Loss Runs. Agent Management System

Average Time:15-30 Mins

The agent will send requests to rate on various websites to us via email.

Upon receiving each request, we will visit the respective website and enter details including the insured’s name, mailing address, location, coverage, limits, deductibles, and any other underwriting information to get a quote.

After obtaining the quotes, we will promptly email the results to the agent.

By outsourcing the online rating to us, the agent can reduce operational costs,
enhance operational efficiency and reduce turnaround times, allowing them to focus on core business functions such as strategy development, customer service, and product innovation.

Carriers we can rate
• C N A
• Hartford
• Hanover
• Travelers
• Liberty Mutual

Coverages we can rate
• Commercial Property
• General Liability
• Business Auto
• Workers Compensation
• Umbrella


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